"Providing Home School Education since 1986!"
Available Educational Programs
Adult Education Program - Established 2002
Our home school program has touched the lives of hundreds of people of all ages. With hard work, utilizing our Instructors, and the Accelerated Christian Educational Curriculum, you too can succeed.
When a student enrolls in the program, the student will complete an analysis test, receive a lesson plan with a projected date of graduation, and an attendance schedule for the student's specific needs. When the student's specified lesson plan is completed, the student will receive a certificate of their high school diploma and the transcripts of their grades.
Even though some of these students have struggled for years trying to accomplish this one goal in life, they soon realize through The Master's Learning Institute that God has made this possible. To enroll in this program, contact one of the schools in your area. The student will be required to produce personal identification along with a copy of their high school transcript for enrollment, as well as a tuition fee.

Project Graduation - Established 2002
Throughout our schools, we offer a program that enables students to receive their high school diploma, even if they were unable to pass their STAAR, TAKS, or EOC Test requirements for graduation through a public high school. Enrolling in this program requires proof of completion of all high school courses (copy of current school transcripts) and a picture ID. If the student is under the age of 18, we will require that a parental consent form be signed. After the enrollment process, the student will be required to complete an analysis test which will earn credit before receiving their transcript and diploma from The Master's Learning Institute. For enrollment fees, contact the school in your area.